Saturday, 26 April 2014

About my book: Choosing Your Psychic Pathway

Available on Amazon Kindle or in paperback 
This book gives an insight into how you can develop your psychic skills. It examines my involvement in the psychic world, and the ways and methods I discovered to help develop my psychic ability. There is a section on ghosts – including some ghostly tales that illustrate my points – tarot cards, mediums, time travel, and many more of the psychic sciences that I have discovered along the way.
There are discussions on all the above, allowing the reader to form their own opinions on whether they want to follow a particular pathway or not; it also shows how the various methods deployed by psychics may help improve their lifestyle.
For anyone who is new to the psychic world and wonders if they have psychic skills, this book can be used as a first-step introduction and will give an insight into how to proceed. There is advice on how to go about setting up as a psychic and how to avoid the pitfalls.
I have included my interpretation of the Tarot cards, dream interpretations, and other helpful suggestions as to how you can develop your psychic skills.
I have not gone into great detail with any of my ideas as I think it is far better that an individual chooses their own way of developing their skills and ideas. Too much information when a person is starting out can be confusing.
I hope the book gives the reader a clear insight into the different pathways of the psychic world.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

A strange happening. Did my dog Boyden return?

Boyden 2000 - 7th July 2013
Still missing him, still love him. I always will.
This is a bit of a strange happening.
When I go upstairs now I close the door to the lounge to stop Sophie (Boyden's sister) from following me upstairs. Her back legs are not as strong as they were, and I worry about her falling and breaking a leg or herspine. It's okay if she is awake and I walk up behind her, I can catch her should she fall.
I popped upstairs yesterday, leaving Sophie fast asleep in the kitchen. I knew she wouldn't hear me going out of the room -she's deaf, although she has recently regained a little hearing. I closed the door though in case she woke up. I collected the material I needed, told my husband that I'd left her sleeping, and went downstairs. I heard a scratching noise and movement at the door. I called out, 'I'm coming now, Sophie,' and went on to say, 'Oh, you can't hear me, but I can hear you.'
Opening the lounge door carefully so as not to hurt her I discovered she wasn't there! I walked through to the kitchen and there she was fast asleep exactly where I had left her. I still can't fathom out how I heard the noise at the door.
I would like to think that it was Boyden letting us know that he is still around. I don't know.
Beautiful Sophie

Saturday, 19 April 2014

I'm starting two new embroidery projects.

The above photographs are my new projects to embroider in the coming weeks (or months). They are going on bag fronts.
I will be machine embroidering the tree in long and short stitch.
I will be posting photographs of my progress.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Dancing with Spirits

Video of my book Dancing with Spirits

Available from Amazon Kindle

A story of love and time travel which spans the centuries.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Video and latest review of my book A Haunted Past Life

I received this latest review of  my book a couple of days ago.
Reviews Written by
Amazon Customer

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved to Me There's Life After Death
The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved to Me There's Life After Death
Price: £7.71

5.0 out of 5 stars Love it, 15 Jun 2014
Verified Purchase(What is this?)
I have this on my kindle and loved it so much I also had to order the book to give to a good friend. I am so glad that Annie Kagan did write it even through her misgivings.

Love From Heaven
Love From Heaven
Price: £4.31

5.0 out of 5 stars Love it, 15 Jun 2014
Verified Purchase(What is this?)
This review is from: Love From Heaven (Kindle Edition)
I love Lorna Byrne s books and await them with anticipation. This one did not disappoint. Beautiful. It will be one to keep referring back to as well.

Hero of Rome (The Sword of Cartimandua)
Hero of Rome (The Sword of Cartimandua)
Price: £3.08

5.0 out of 5 stars Love it, 15 Jun 2014
Verified Purchase(What is this?)
Yet another of Griff Hosker s books my partner is devouring. He cannot get enough of them,he said they are brilliant.

Druid's Gold (Sword of Cartimandua)
Druid's Gold (Sword of Cartimandua)
Price: £2.99

5.0 out of 5 stars Love it., 15 Jun 2014
Verified Purchase(What is this?)
Yet again my partner was saying how much he is enjoying these books. I hope he is writing some more.

Roman Retreat (Sword of Cartimandua)
Roman Retreat (Sword of Cartimandua)
Price: £2.99

5.0 out of 5 stars Love it, 15 Jun 2014
Verified Purchase(What is this?)
Again my partner has had his nose in his Kindle a lot more. He is reading all of Griff Hosker s books as fast as possible.

Trajan's Hunters (The Sword of Cartimandua)
Trajan's Hunters (The Sword of Cartimandua)
Price: £2.99

5.0 out of 5 stars Love it, 15 Jun 2014
Verified Purchase(What is this?)
My partner has been reading his kindle a lot more during the day. He is devouring everyone of these books.

A Haunted Past Life (Jen's Story)
A Haunted Past Life (Jen's Story)
Price: £0.77

5.0 out of 5 stars Love it, 15 Jun 2014
Verified Purchase(What is this?)
It really kept me gripped, it felt like reading a good mystery. I was sad to finish it, always a good sign.

Very nice of  the reviewer.
A link to the video of my book -

Link to the book on Amazon Kindle
Also available in paperback

Monday, 7 April 2014

Link to a review and an interview about my book, The Other Place

I've just received another excellent review for The Other Place.
The reader wrote.
Enjoyable story, cleverly woven plot. I loved the way that although many loose ends get tied up, the reader is still left wondering :-)
Above is a link to an article that I had published in the Sunday Mercury.
A delightful journalist Zoe interviewed me and a very professional, friendly photographer visited me at home.
I'm never easy in myself when being interviewed. I needn't have worried, Zoe, was lovely to chat to. As was the photographer.
The article was about my book The Other Place. 

Available via Amazon Kindle or in paperback.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Hurray, my new novel is now back on track

My new novel is on track!
Finally my new novel is beginning to come together. With being ill for so long everything went pear shaped. I did wonder at times what was happening to me. Why I could not concentrate on my writing. Everything I did (not only writing) would turn out a complete and utter mess. Thank goodness, after starting it again it is now taking shape. I am up to 21,000 words and it's on track. I am enjoying writing it. Unfortunately, due to the trouble with my eye and another few symptoms that are lingering -worse luck- I can't spend too much time on it. Still I'm lucky I could have been far worse.

Now Published

My book (above) is making progress. I just have to have the layout checked. I will then reread it to ensure everything is perfect. I have had it edited and proofed. Fingers crossed things will run smoothly from now on.

My novel is also coming along. The first Chapter is nearly in the bag. I'm now well into Chapter 2. There is quite a lot going on between the psychics, someone will be having a bit of a rough ride, unfortunately, I think it will be the main character.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

A review of my latest read.

I've just finished Annie Murray's latest novel, Meet Me Under the Clock. Annie has done her usual impeccable research. The story begins in Birmingham, during WW 2. It follows the lives of an ordinary working class family, and their next door neighbour. The story tells of the jobs the women had to take during this period, such as working on the railways while the men folk were abroad fighting the war. It tells of the joys and heartaches experienced by the women waiting anxiously to hear news of their husbands, boyfriends. All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
The characters are believable at times my heart ached for the young women in the story. Oh, and the men's stories are powerful and very moving.
The book is available in paperback and on Kindle from Amazon, and bookshops.

This is an inspirational book, I've read it a couple of times and I enjoy dipping in and out of it. It's available in paperpack. I have it on my Ipad. It's also available in other formats.
Link to New Mediumship