Thursday, 20 February 2014

Embroidered Book Cover (2)

Below is a link to my book. I've embroidered the covers and a couple of the photographs inside the back pages. The photographs are a few memories of our many walks.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Making an embroidered book and embroidered Chinese lanterns.

I had a few embroideries which I did not know what to do with. I always wondered how people made books so I've decided to have a go.
First I made what would be the covers and then made the pages a little smaller than the covers.
I trimmed the embroideries to the correct sizes.
My OH punched the holes through for me.
The covers and pages now have to be sewn or bound around the edges. I'm uncertain which way to approach this stage! But so far so good. I am really enjoying this project and the Chinese lantern project.
The book cover - I will thread ribbon through and add beads.
This is only a dummy run for me to see if it works.

Back cover - This is my interpretation of a local field in the spring.

A couple of embroidered Chinese lanterns -another practice run!