My Story
I saw my first ‘ghost’ when I was about 7 years of age. I was walking back to school after lunch, head down looking at the floor when, for some reason or other, I glanced up. Not far ahead of me, I saw a young girl around my own age walking in the same direction. She was dressed in a similar dress to the one I was wearing. I wondered who she was.
The street was deserted apart from the two of us. I tried walking faster to catch her up, but the distance between us remained the same. Try as I might, I couldn’t shorten the distance. It was strange to say the least.
I watched her intently, determined I was going to catch her up. I started to run and she promptly disappeared in front of my eyes.
I rubbed my eyes not believing that someone could disappear like that - but she had. I knew I had seen a ghost; there was no other explanation. This incident didn’t frighten me at all. Despite being young, or perhaps because of it, I accepted that ghosts existed. My family would have scoffed at me if I had told them, particularly my three brothers. So I kept the ‘girl ghost sighting’ to myself. I never found out who she was, but I have never forgotten her.
Over the years, my interest in ghosts deepened. I read everything I could on the subject. At times, I must admit I questioned whether I had actually seen a ghost and wondered if it had been my childish imagination. Who knows? But it began a life-long interest that has never diminished.
From the time I joined the library at an extremely young age, I read any books that contained ghost stories, both fiction and non-fiction; anything that had a ghost in it was food for my soul. Films, radio programmes, magazines, anything that contained a ‘ghostly reference’, I had to digest.
As I grew up, I began to see other ghosts; some I recognised, others I didn’t. However, asking around the family and giving descriptions of the ghosts I had seen, I would eventually discover who the ghostly apparitions were.
My research drew me to like-minded people and I would hear their fascinating stories of the ghosts they had seen. All this led me further down the path of the unexplained. The more I discovered, the more I wanted to know.
I discovered tarot cards and found they are a useful tool to help reach the ‘other side’, though I wouldn’t recommend anyone trying this unless in the hands of a professional reader with many years of experience. The same goes for the Ouija board; this can be a highly dangerous ‘game’ in the wrong hands.
The majority of people who see a ghost will only ever see the one, and others I have spoken to about their sightings are still scared many weeks down the line.
‘It was such a shock,’ is normally the first thing they say. I quite agree with them. If something disturbs you in the middle of the night, you may well first think you have burglars and are going to be battered to death, or you could even have a heart attack. Some ghosts have no respect for your finer feelings. After all, I should imagine there is no night or day to them. They are on a higher spiritual plane than we are, or so we are told. Hence, disturbing your sleep is not going to worry them in any way whatsoever.
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